Thursday, January 29, 2015

Career Fair 2015

We had a great time learning about all various types of careers today!  Check out our Flipagram Video to see a few pictures from this awesome day!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Too Good for Drugs

Today we met Officer Keith Foster who will be coming to our class every week for the next several weeks. He will be doing a series of lessons on good decision making as well as ways to say no and get out of potentially dangerous situations.
Students were introduced to his job duties as well as some of the equipment he uses being a police officer. They were also allowed to ask questions. We are looking forward to learning more from him!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

January News

We are off and running into the new year!  Here is what you can expect your child to be learning this month!

Writing/Language Arts
 Students will be working on specific assignments this month as we take some time to honor our School Resource Officers through essay writing.  We have been brainstorming quality traits of these officers and examples and details to support our thinking.  There is even a chance that one of our students may be selected to read his or her essay at a breakfast in firefighters and policemen's honor this month.  

We will also be reviewing books and learning how to write a book review.  Students will then use this to do some enrichment technology with Mrs. Rich during their library time.  

*Students will no longer be completing daily spelling homework.  I have posted the spelling tests on our classroom homework calendar.  Students may always use the activities on Spelling City or they are welcome to bring home their spelling book and complete the activities independently.

We are continuing to work on comparing fractions and will begin to add and subtract fraction with like and unlike denominators.  Practice will include class homework as well as assigned Math IXL objectives.  
*I would like to highly encourage you not to teach your child the standard algorithms for fraction processes.  It is VERY important that students develop a strong number sense and understand the fractions as a unit number instead of skipping straight to a "trick".

Our main focus will be summarizing with an emphasis on main idea and details.  We will be working through our Storyworks magazine this month.  Students are welcome to bring home their articles and read them with you as part of their independent reading at home.  

Students will continue their study of Life Science through examining the world of ecosystems.  It is important that students understand the balance of communities and populations in the world around them.  

Other Classroom News
We have begun to have classroom snacks and the students seem to really be enjoying it.  Our class snack time is around 1:10 each day occurs while I am doing our read aloud so that no academic time is lost.

There will be NO SCHOOL ON JANUARY 19th in honor of Martin Luther King Jr's birthday.

Career Fair will be January 29th

Next week we will begin a program called Too Good For Drugs.  We will have an officer visit our classroom once a week to discuss good decision making and ways to state our decisions effectively.  This is an opportunity for students to mentally begin to prepare for the temptations of middle school and learn how to make good decisions for themselves.  

PHEW!!!  I'm tired just thinking about all the learning we will be doing this month!  However, time does fly when  you are having fun!