Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February News

February may be a short and SWEET month but we sure have a lot going on!

Over the next few weeks we will begin to prep for our next big writing unit which is informational/expository writing.  Our curriculum has aligned well enough that you should begin to see the kids reading (research) and writing about westward expansion.  For this reason, a good portion of our reading and writing time will take place during our content time.  The hope is for students to conquer informational writing, reading, and historical concepts all within the same topic of research.  Work SMARTER not HARDER!

Fractions are our friends!  After a lot of time and attention, perhaps even a few tears, our class has learned a good deal about fractions.  We have made equivalent fractions, compared fractions, ordered fractions and now added and subtracted them.

This month we will continue this by moving on into multiplying and dividing fractions.  We are working our way through this unit slowly but surely and hopefully with a great deal of confidence in fraction number sense!

We have been working on summarizing non fiction texts these past few weeks.  This is going to come in mighty handy as we begin to research nonfiction texts on Westward Expansion.  It is a major skill for students to learn how to read informational text and sum it up with the most important details in their own words.

We have used Storyworks articles, most recently, but in the next few weeks hope to continue advancing our reading skills through reading historical articles and information.

The class has moved through history up until about the year 1829.  Major concepts of study now will include Indian Removal Act, Westward Expansion, Gold Rush and other events that began to shape our country.

Students now have access to a website called Discovery Education where they can read, research, and learn historical events through a variety of resources.

***Other Classroom News***
Our class Valentine's Day Celebration will be Friday, February 13th.  Please remember if your child intends on bringing Valentines cards to send enough for everyone in our classroom.  We currently have 22 students.

Book Fair dates: Feb. 23-Mar. 4

Family Night- Monday, Feb. 23rd 5pm-7pm          Family Afternoon- Tuesday, Mar. 3rd 3pm-5pm

Book Character Dress up Day- Feb. 27th 

Field trip to Montgomery will be March 16th.  Please remember we will be leaving before school starts at 7:15 am and not returning until around 5:00pm.  It is important that you make arrangements for your child to be brought to school and picked up at these times.  

Monday, February 2, 2015

Discovery Education Techbook

Today we began exploring the wild wild West and America's expansion. We were able to implement several new technology strategies to make history much more interactive and a lot more fun!
Students logged into their Discovery Education accounts and browsed just a small part of the resources that are available to them. They also used a few of these resources to research and respond about key concepts such as The Monroe Doctrine and The Indian Removal Act.
I think their favorite part of today was responding to questions on a new tool called Padlet. The students are able to instantly interact and read their reflections.
Stay tuned!  We are just beginning to discover these new frontiers!