Thursday, August 25, 2016

How deep will you dive?

The great Alabamian author Harper Lee once said, "The book to read is not the one that thinks for you, but the one which makes you think."

One of the most important goals in reading this year will be to find books that are "just right" for each student.  This is followed by pushing ourselves to think while reading.  This weeks students were introduced to our "pool of reading."   In this pool, students recognize which area they typically spend time in while reading and how to push their thinking deeper.

For example, students often make predictions when reading.  One way to push their thinking is to state WHY they predicted what they did and also WHAT evidence from the book supports that thinking.  Another way to push student thinking is to try and make connections to other characters or books.  They can then compare and contrast character traits or plots.

How deep will you dive into your reading?

Friday, August 12, 2016

How Sweet it is to Get to Know You!!!

What a wonderful first two days of school it has been!  I have enjoyed putting sweet faces to the names!  Today we got to know a little more about everyone using M & M's!  Oh how sweet this year will be!