Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 14-17 Weekly News

***Our 5th grade t-shirts are coming home today! Please make sure your child wears this shirt on field trip days.  We will all wear our t-shirts on Wednesday, Oct. 29, when we leave for camp.***

Report Cards Go Home TOMORROW,  Wednesday,  October 15.

Parentology Meeting in Mrs. Tanner’s room October 16 @7:30.

 Red Ribbon Week is Oct. 27-31.  We will be gone to camp for the last portion of Red Ribbon Week so let's really make sure we participate on Monday and Tuesday, October 27-28
Monday, October 27th        All classes will pledge to be drug free and sign a pledge.
                                                  8:15am TNT from Spain Park will present to grades 1-5
                                                “Sock It to Drugs” wear crazy colorful socks

Tuesday, October 28th     Building a Drug Free Community- students wear red
                                                 Spain Park TNT Presentation to grades 3-5
Curriculum News
Language/Writing: This week will be working on adjectives and adverbs as part of our morning work.  Students have also used their computer lab time to log some practice time with adjectives as well as quotations and dialogue rules.
We are beginning our argument writing.  I introduced a question to the students this week, that we will continue to use this topic to learn how to write an argument piece.  The question I proposed is, "Should we have chocolate milk in our cafeterias?" Ask your child their opinion on this and see what their reasoning is behind their thoughts.  I was surprised to see that the majority of the class first voted to ban chocolate milk.  Now, we will begin to research some facts to back up our opinions and who knows we may end up changing our minds!
Math: Please see the separate post on volume and see what we began exploring today!
Vocabulary: We will be working on Vocabulary Lesson 5 this week.  Test will be on Friday morning during our Reading time.  
Reading: We are focusing on questioning with nonfiction expository texts.  This week our wonderful reading coach Mrs. Chiaramonte is with us.  We love it when she comes!
Social Studies: We are going to begin doing some research on Veteran's day and begin to prepare what and in what form the students would like to present this information. Try to discuss the difference between Memorial Day and Veteran's Day with your child.  Do you know any Veterans?

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