Thursday, October 29, 2015

When you see a change, how do you determine whether its physical or chemical?

We have spent the last few weeks discovery properties of matter and the phases that matter can go through.  Our research and observations led us to one question, "When something changes, how do we know if the change is chemical or physical?" Using household chemicals, we went to the STEAM Lab to do some further investigating.  Students made several mixtures and observed them for things pieces of evidence like a gas being produced, color change, light being produced or temperature change.  Students measured a temperature change using digital thermometers that graphed their results.  The conclusion: if a temperature change occurs, it is likely to be a chemical change.  

Monday, September 21, 2015

Keep Calm and Experiment On

Today we began science by exploring different scientific tools and their purposes.  We discussed as a class why it would be important to know how to use and which tools to use BEFORE actually doing an experiment.  This led to good discussions about science safety, procedures, and even valid data collection.  Most of all we decided that in order to answer questions we would have to 

Very Hungry Caterpillar

We have a very hungry visitor in our garden and we are hoping that he will stay!  Caterpillars love to munch on leaves.  In order for them to have leaves, we have to have healthy soil.  Did you know that to have healthy soil you may need to have potassium, nitrogen and phosphate?  Our soil needed a little bit of all of it so we create a mixture and added it to our gardens.  We are hoping this will make the soil "ideal" for growing all sort of yummy vegetables.  In order to track the progress, we started data collection and will check the height, temperature, and soil fertility every week.  

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

European Explorer Project

For the last few weeks, we have discovered the first settlers of the Americas.  Native Americans, followed by European explorers discovered new land and in the process began to discover new ways of living.  Students will be completing their studies by creating a Google Slide presentation on a European Explorer of their choice.  Students will need to include information such as the explorer's personal background, their motive for exploring, who sponsored the expedition, and a description of the area and/or route of their expedition.

Students will turn in this assignment on their Google Classroom.  If Google Classroom is new to you, please take a few minutes to watch the following video.

The students will be using Google Slides to create their presentation.  This is the Google version of "Power Point".  However, there are some differences.  You may use the Google Presentation How-To link to help your child.

I am excited to see what the students create!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Outdoor Classroom - 3 Sisters Garden

One of the wonderful resources we have at RES is the Outdoor Classroom.  It is located behind the library and is constantly busy with students who are as busy as the bees themselves.   
Mrs. Beth Daigle, a retired fifth grade teacher, has done a wonderful job of finding lessons that enhance the state standards students are learning.  

Today, our class went to learn more about the 3 Sisters Garden which is a combination of squash, corn, and beans.  The students have been investigating what resources the Native Americans had and discovered this was exactly what some of them may have planted.  Mrs. Daigle read a legend about how the garden came to be and the process that Native Americans may have gone through to grow these vegetables.  Then we picked some beans ourselves.  

In the coming weeks, we will also use the garden to extend our learning of earth science and plants.  

Thursday, August 27, 2015

This is How We Research

Do you know how Native Americans adapted to their environments?  We are currently researching how  the regions in which they lived played in part in the resources they used.  For example, Native American tribes in the Plains region would have used buffalo hide to make shields and even blankets.

Students used atlases (maps), a textbook, and Discovery Education online tech book to gather information and determine which artifacts belonged to a specific region.  

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Geography is important because...

This week we spent our class time making sure we knew where on this earth we are!  Students labeled continents, oceans, latitude, longitude, and other physical features of earth.  All week long as we discussed these features, we tried to think of how these features could have played a role in some of the most important roles in history.  Next week we will continue this discussion as we research the first people to settle America.  We will focus on how the physical features shaped cultures.  

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Can you save Fred?

Scientists like to solve problems. Today, Fred, had a big problem. Our students were glad to help. Using only paper clips they were able to figure out ways to get Fred back into his life preserver. How would you save Fred?


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

To the Fifth Graders of 2015

It has been a joy to teach you this year. We have had hard days and fun days but my favorite days have been the ones where we learned life lessons together. Please remember that I am here for you and I feel blessed to have been part of your lives. I can not wait to hear about all the wonderful things you accomplish. My challenge to you is to be kind.   There is a world to change with a simple act of kindness.  I think Mr. Tushman said it best....
"Be kinder than necessary"  
Congratulations Fifth Grade Class of 2015!!!

An excerpt from WONDER  by RJ Palacio 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Hoover Library Summer Reading

Ms. Katie Jane from Hoover Public Library came this morning to explain their summer reading program. This is a great way to keep your readers reading and moving forward!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

6th Grade Summer Reading List

Please use the following link to see Berry Middle School summer reading list.  Please contact the Berry Middle School office if you have any questions!

Berry Middle 6th Grade Summer Reading

Monday, May 11, 2015

End of Year Reminders

               Friday May 15th – End of the Year Class “Celebration” & Yearbook Signing – be sure to bring yearbooks so students can sign each other’s in the pod at the end of the day. This is just a small pizza/ice cream celebration – please no parents.  
         Monday May 18th – Board Game Day – students can bring board games or strategy games to school. No electronic devices please! 
·               Tuesday May 19th - Movie Day – we will be watching The Watsons Go to Birmingham – unless I hear from you I will assume everyone is okay with this for 5th graders since it is PG.
            Graduation @ 7:00 p.m.  at Berry Middle School
Ø  students need to be there at 6:45 and go to the cafeteria
Ø  parents please go ahead and be seated
Ø  students need to wear nice clothes
§  girls – skirts, dresses, nice pants outfit, etc...
§  boys – no jeans or shorts, collared shirts
§  please stay in dress code except shoes
·               Wednesday May 20th - Early dismissal @ 12:45p.m.
Ø   Field Day – please send water bottles and use sunscreen
·               Thursday May 21st  – Last Day of School – Early dismissal @ 11:00 a.m.
Ø   5th Grade Bowling Party from 12:00-2:00 – please note that teachers are still on regular school time and will drop by to see the kids and say final goodbyes. Parents are welcome to come and help chaperone. 

***If your child will not be here on Thursday, May 21st please let your teacher know and send in a self-addressed stamped envelope for report cards.***

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

We Had PhUn Today!

Did you know that this is Physiology Understanding, or as we like to call it, PhUn, week? 

Check out some pictures from the really cool science lab the University of Alabama at Birmingham brought to us. Students had a chance to measure the volume of their lungs, heart rate and blood oxygen level. They also got to see a pigs heart and lungs up close. Microscopes and specimens were on hand for students to see what real organs look like.
Each student came home with a goodie bag with information and items to help them remember their PhUn experience! 



Monday, April 20, 2015

Alaskan Author Shelley Gill Visits RES

Awesome morning listening to some really cool stories and information. Ask your child what he or she learned about Alaska and the "last frontier".

April Information

Important Dates:
April 23- Spring Picture makeup day
April 24 – No School (Unused Inclement Weather Day)
April 29- Berry Band pre-application form due
May 7- trip to Berry Middle School/ Talent Show that night 5:30 pm
May 11- Berry Parent Night (at Berry) 6:00 pm
May 19- Graduation at Berry at 7:00 pm (more information to come)
May 20- Field Day (school dismisses at 1:00)
May 21- Last Day of School!!! (school dismisses at 11:00)

Curriculum Update:
Math- We are moving on to decimals! Decimals have a close relationship to fractions and percents but even now there are some misconceptions.  We will be working on comparing, ordering, adding/subtracting decimals.  This will take us to the end of the year!

Reading- We are using Storyworks articles to practice reading skills such as author’s purpose, mood, theme, and locating text evidence.  Citing evidence in their responses is a vital skill for students to master.  Always ask your students "Why?" or "Where did you see that?" when having them explain what they have read.  

Language- We are using IXL and daily language to practice grammar skill. Students are continuing to work on organizing their writing as well as giving evidence.  Please check their Google Classroom for posted writing assignments, scores, and feedback.  

History- We are ending  Chapter 14 about the events that led up to the Civil War. We will finish this next week and then move back into science.  

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Berry Middle School Band Visit

Today we had the pleasure of listening to some students with  the Berry Middle School Band. The director, Brian Wilson, talked with the students about their options of instruments. He also explained to them that band would be one of their elective choices in middle school next year. Students will be coming home with more information soon!