Tuesday, September 15, 2015

European Explorer Project

For the last few weeks, we have discovered the first settlers of the Americas.  Native Americans, followed by European explorers discovered new land and in the process began to discover new ways of living.  Students will be completing their studies by creating a Google Slide presentation on a European Explorer of their choice.  Students will need to include information such as the explorer's personal background, their motive for exploring, who sponsored the expedition, and a description of the area and/or route of their expedition.

Students will turn in this assignment on their Google Classroom.  If Google Classroom is new to you, please take a few minutes to watch the following video.

The students will be using Google Slides to create their presentation.  This is the Google version of "Power Point".  However, there are some differences.  You may use the Google Presentation How-To link to help your child.

I am excited to see what the students create!

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