Friday, August 28, 2015

Outdoor Classroom - 3 Sisters Garden

One of the wonderful resources we have at RES is the Outdoor Classroom.  It is located behind the library and is constantly busy with students who are as busy as the bees themselves.   
Mrs. Beth Daigle, a retired fifth grade teacher, has done a wonderful job of finding lessons that enhance the state standards students are learning.  

Today, our class went to learn more about the 3 Sisters Garden which is a combination of squash, corn, and beans.  The students have been investigating what resources the Native Americans had and discovered this was exactly what some of them may have planted.  Mrs. Daigle read a legend about how the garden came to be and the process that Native Americans may have gone through to grow these vegetables.  Then we picked some beans ourselves.  

In the coming weeks, we will also use the garden to extend our learning of earth science and plants.  

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